Dan Caplis

Dan Caplis

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Steffan Tubbs joins Jimmy Sengenberger to discuss premiere of his film 'Devastated' in Greeley

Trump agrees to Biden debate demands, including no live audience - which may actually help the former President

It's on: Joe Biden and Donald Trump have agreed to at least two debates, mostly on the current President's terms and turf. The first will take place on CNN, moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, televised Thursday, June 27 at 9pm ET. The second will be hosted by ABC on Tuesday, September 10. One of the stipulations from the Biden camp is no live studio audience, but might that setting actually help Trump stay under control and on message?

Jimmy Sengenberger fills in for Dan today.

Jerry Seinfeld gently pushes back on woke culture by encouraging humor to Duke grads at commencement

Jon Caldara comments on the effective combination of humor and persuasion used by Jerry Seinfeld giving the keynote address at Duke University's commencement, including the golden line 'we are embarrassed of the things we should be proud of, and proud of the things we should be embarrassed about.' It's gold, pure gold, Jerry!

Jake Fogelman, Director of Policy at Independence Institute on Polis owning energy price increases

Jon Caldara is once again in for Dan and welcomes in his colleague from the Independence Institute, Director of Policy Jake Fogelman, on why Governor Jared Polis is squarely responsible for scheduled gasoline price hikes at the pump due to prohibitive fees and taxes on the production and sale of fossil fuels.

Jon and Ryan are incredulous at Kelly's obliviousness to Seinfeld; Anti-Semites protest Jerry at Duke commencement

Kelly reveals that she never watched the iconic sitcom 'Seinfeld' in the 1990s, leading to audible gasps and protestations from both Jon and Ryan. Not that there's anything wrong with that... well, maybe there IS something wrong with that.

Also, on a more serious note, several Duke graduates boycott Jerry Seinfeld delivering the commencement address in Durham, presumably because he is Jewish. Why is there such open anti-Semitism running rampant on America's college campuses these days? I mean, really, what's the deal with THAT?

Jon Caldara's daughter just knows what she likes, and it's costing him a fortune; Why delayed Trump docs case differs from Biden, Pence

Jon Caldara is in for Dan again, and laments being hit with the trifecta of emptying his bank account for retirement - divorce, a disabled child, and a daughter committed to a diva lifestyle.

He also debates a caller on the merits of the classified documents case against Trump that was suspended indefinitely by Judge Aileen Cannon and similar (but not alike) cases for Joe Biden and Mike Pence. 

Jon debates with callers whether legalizing sex work would eliminate nefarious elements, trafficking

The conversation gets heated - and steamy? - as Jon Caldara advocates the liberatarian position on legalizing prostitution, while a veteran law enforcement officer calls in and cautions against it because of the environment most women encounter in entering the sex worker world.

Jon Caldara in for Dan, on most of Eastern U.S. seeing Northern Lights tonight; Should we legalize sex work

Jon Caldara is in for Dan and reflects on the time he saw the Northern Lights at Denali National Park in Alaska, with most of the Eastern United States being able to see them tonight - clear down to Alabama.

Also, he opens the discussion on whether prostitution should be legalized in America outside of Nevada, where it is currently permitted and regulated.

Jon Caldara outlines how expensive it is to get measures on the ballot, and why it's so important

Jon Caldara (in for Dan) explains how difficult it is to get issue proposals before voters on the ballot, the time and resources it requires, and why it's so important for organizations like his Independence Institute to do the hard work that gets it done.

House minority leader Rose Pugliese (R-14, El Paso), recaps legislative session with Jon Caldara

Rep. Rose Pugliese (R-14, El Paso), Colorado House minority leader, joins Jon Caldara (in for Dan) to recap the legislative session that ended on Wednesday, and what Coloradans can take away from the Democratic majority attempts to ram through extreme legislation for Governor Jared Polis to sign into law.